
又到了杨超越占满朋友圈的考试季,让人慌张的经济考试也如约而至。很多被经济折磨的死去活来的同学们都会有同样的一个疑问, 为什么写经济Essay每次都一顿操作猛如虎,最后只得5分?

其实主要的原因就是同学们在书写Essay的时候,常常会由于 Essay 的结构不准确,导致华丽丽的错过了采分点。今天贴心的小编请来经济老师Amber以最常考的elasticity为🌰,为大家提供了 Essay Plan 的正确打开方式。同学们之后再遇到讨论policy的Essay都可以借用相同的书写方式呦。

freestyle小编插播一个随想, 秋天来了,难道不是吃roasted🌰的好时节嘛!


🌰题:Discuss the range of policies that are available to businesses to increase sales when incomes are falling. Consider which is most likely to be successful. [12]

2017 May/June Paper 23 Question 2(b)

请准确!准确!准确!的读题识别题目要求再动笔。 (小编在线疑惑:Amber 实名激动,难以想象她到底被多少学生先做题再读题or永远不读题的常规操作伤害过?!)



Policy 1: Switching production to inferior goods

Strengths: According to the YED theory, when incomes are falling, the consumers will have less disposable income, then, they may spend more expenditure on inferior goods. Thus, the business needs to increase the production of inferior goods.

Note: You need to use examples to fully our description.

Weaknesses:  Firstly, Switching production to inferior goods might be difficult if the business has invested in capital. Also, the policy may take a long-term to implement. Moreover, it will be costly.

Policy 2: Reducing the price of the good

Strengths: Facing with a declining income, consumers may increase demands when there is a fall in price of good. The law of demands hows that a reduced price usually increases the quantity demand. When the product is relatively elastic, a small decrease of the price will cause a larger sale of the goods.

Note:You need to use examples or diagrams to full your description.

Weaknesses: First of all, it might be difficult to maintain sales through price cuts if demand is inelastic. Furthermore, it may be hard to change the price when there is an oligopolistic market or sometimes government will set a limited price for certain products.

Policy 3: Advertisement

自己动手来写写这个policy的strengths and weaknesses吧!(小编注:正看的入迷呢,怎么就这么戛然而止了,小编已拿到答案,好奇的宝宝可以后台留言~)


Evaluation: 这个部分always占4分!大家千万不要忘记!不要忘记!不要忘记!(小编注:这个部分Amber老师也是被日常伤害过千万遍吧?!)

日常句型:Which policy may be more successful depends on a lot of factors!

Factor 1: It depends on whether the reducing income is stable or changing.If the income falls as the questions mentioned is continuous and stable, then… If the economic activity is changing, then …

Factor 2: It depends on whether the business wants to increase sales in the short term or in the long term.If the business wants to increase sales in short term, then…If the business hopes long-term effects,then…


Conclusion:  一定要写!!!灵魂1分!


In reality, the economic activity is hard to keep stable and the business always hopes to get a short effects on sales revenue. Thus, …

掌声送给人美歌甜的Amber老师, 今天的分享就到这儿啦, 小编欢迎大家投稿来向Amber老师来提问哟~  最后祝大家依然拥有经济虐我千百遍,我待经济如初恋的激情, keep calm and study economics! 

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